With a recent data law introduced in India requiring all VPN providers to store user information for at least five years, ExpressVPN has made the very straightforward decision to remove our Indian-based VPN servers.
Rest assured, our users will still be able to connect to VPN servers that will give them Indian IP addresses and allow them to access the internet as if they were located in India. These “virtual” India servers will instead be physically located in Singapore and the UK.
In terms of the user experience, there is minimal difference. For anyone wanting to connect to an Indian server, simply select the VPN server location “India (via Singapore)” or “India (via UK).”
Virtual server locations are not new to ExpressVPN; in fact, we have been operating our “India (via UK)” server location for several years. With virtual locations, the registered IP address matches the country you have chosen to connect to, while the server is physically located in another country. Virtual locations are used, where necessary, to provide faster, more reliable connections.
As for internet users based in India, they can use ExpressVPN confident that their online traffic is not being logged or stored, and that it’s not being monitored by their government.
Fighting for your privacy, in India and beyond
As countries’ data retention laws shift, we frequently find ourselves adjusting our infrastructure to best protect our users’ privacy and security. In this case, that has meant ending operations in India.
Under India’s new VPN rule, which is set to come into effect on June 27, 2022, companies will be required to store users’ real names, IP addresses assigned to them, usage patterns, and other identifying data.
The new data law initiated by India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In), intended to help fight cybercrime, is incompatible with the purpose of VPNs, which are designed to keep users’ online activity private.
The law is also overreaching and so broad as to open up the window for potential abuse. We believe the damage done by potential misuse of this kind of law far outweighs any benefit that lawmakers claim would come from it.
ExpressVPN refuses to participate in the Indian government’s attempts to limit internet freedom. As a company focused on protecting privacy and freedom of expression online, we will continue to fight to keep users connected to the open and free internet with privacy and security, no matter where they are located.
We will never collect logs of user activity, including no logging of browsing history, traffic destination, data content, or DNS queries. We also never store connection logs, meaning no logs of IP addresses, outgoing VPN IP addresses, connection timestamps, or session durations.
Essentially, we do not store or collect any data that could identify an individual and their online activity. We outline this in our highly detailed and transparent Privacy Policy.
Not only is it our policy that we would not accept logging, but we have also specifically designed our VPN servers to not be able to log, including by running in RAM. Data centers are unlikely to be able to accommodate this policy and our server architecture under this new regulation, and thus we will move forward without physical servers in India.

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Agenda 21 and Great Reset.
Besides from “You vill own nothing, eat the bugz and be happy”, the governments, elites and overlords introduce 1984-orwellian-digital-communism world wide since 2 years. There was never any pandemic; it’s a plandemic.
China 2012 – 2019 was an experimental laboratory; testing field.
It is all a trojan horse to introduce CBDC, digital ID, Social Credit Systems, surveillance, no privacy, no anonymity and thus having to log in to any internet with government/company digital ID.
No clue how long before every major country bans anonymity and privacy.
Could be that not even 10 years from now the onion-network (Tor) etc. will be the only place let without being spied by on by state servants (the “state”).
Ah,yes, how ironic. EpressVPN paid freelancers do not allow comments like this here. No clue how often it happened.
Too problematic exposing what is actually going on, eh, guys?
What a farce.
I’m living in india..after 27 june..can i access express vpn for connecting to Singapore or usa servers?
Yes, people in India will have no problems using ExpressVPN as usual.
What about those of us located in the US?
I am from India, love what you guys did at express VPN. Thank you so much. As I can see how our government is trying to influence us by controlling Internet. You guys are the hope for us Indian users. Thank you from bottom of the heart ♥ ♥ ♥. World needs People like you who make the world more freedom rich
bruh i was sad that we indians cant excess any vpn anymore .. bcz of this stupid step taken by our government .. 🙁 i am scared they dont ban these vpns i am really scared .. then fun we have by going into another countries by vpn and talking with them in games will be lifted ,,, i am sad as an indian 🙁
Rest assured, you can still use ExpressVPN in India (and can access Indian IP addresses). The only difference is we no longer have physical servers in India, which means your privacy is safe.
Interestingly, WION, an anti-British Indian world news source in English that has a platform on YouTube makes no comment on these VPN restrictions. I’ve long suspected it is a mouthpiece for the Modi government and prefers to gloss over the gross inequality inside the country. At the end of May 202, they did a “puff piece” on the Indian Prime Minister:”Decoding 8 years of Narendra Modi as Indian PM | Achievements under Modi government | English News”Clearly digital freedom is not one of those achievements.
High praise to Express VPN for taking his approach.
It is 100% a modi mouthpiece as our most positive modi outlets. He’s a dictatorial nightmare and WION tries to brush over his blatant disregard for freedom and liberties by focusing on other countries. He’s a Xi Jin Ping in that making!
Well Done!. This is why we trust you.
Thank you for kicking the shit out of the Indian government! Well done!
I really admire what you guys are doing
Kudos to Team ExpressVPN 🙂
Just wanna congratulate ExpressVPN for its actions in this matter. 🙂
I applaud your move to remove servers in India and to allow users to connect to other servers giving Indian IP addresses. I’d like to know if any other VPN providers are kowtowing to the Indian government.
You Do This 100% Right.
So that means Express Vpn won’t be available in India ?? I am an Indian citizen using Express Vpn since a long time. So i won’t be able to use Express Vpn in the upcoming days ??
No, this is not the case. You’ll be able to use ExpressVPN. The only difference is if you want your IP address to be Indian, you’ll connect to “India (via Singapore)” or “India (via UK)”.
Will it provide me mumbai ip address or random cities ip address
Both “India (via UK)” and “India (via Singapore)” provide Delhi IP addresses.
Singapore service is not working since a day and no clue when it will get resolved, very bad service by express vpn
We had some scheduled maintenance that lasted longer than expected. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Love you express vpn from India… You will be new voice for privacy and we indians will always use express vpn ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️