Privacy news

5 mins
Guide to Facebook’s new privacy settings
Where did Facebook’s Privacy Settings go? The answer: everywhere.
Adaptation of the Australian coat of arms, with crumbling planet.
2 mins
Australia’s ‘hacking’ bill lets police take over a person’s social media
Australia’s new surveillance bill lets police access devices, modify data, and take over social media accounts—all without judicial oversight.
biggest crypto thefts
6 mins
8 of the biggest crypto thefts of all time
The world just saw what was possibly the largest crypto heist yet—after which the hacker returned all of the stolen 600 million USD.
A door with the Apple logo.
3 mins
Explainer: Apple’s plans to scan your iPhone photos
Apple will soon start scanning all photos before they get uploaded to iCloud Photos. Find out how this affects you and how to stay private.
Borders comprised of binary code.
5 mins
Smart borders: Hubs of mass surveillance
Automated border-crossing systems are designed to be convenient. But what are we giving up along the way?
An alert symbol with wings.
2 mins
What is Pegasus spyware? And how to protect your phone
Pegasus is phone hacking software used by governments. Read how it can be secretly installed on your phone remotely.
Building facade with columns and an eye.
4 mins
Government hacking: How countries surveil their own citizens
There have been numerous incidents in which governments have broken into encrypted apps. This puts your privacy at risk and raises cybersecurity concerns.
App icon with a cross and and eye.
3 mins
Our privacy analysis of 10 opioid treatment and recovery apps
The study raises questions about privacy and security surrounding telehealth, which has been on the rise amid calls for social distancing.
Percentage symbol turning into a forbidden sign.
2 mins
This symbol could break your phone’s Wi-Fi
Don’t join Wi-Fi networks named with it—your iPhone could get confused, and even resets won’t guarantee a fix.
App with military camouflage and an error icon in the top right corner.
5 mins
5 times military secrets were exposed in apps
We take a look at how military personnel have inadvertently revealed sensitive locations through fitness apps, flashcard apps, and more.

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